BINAA | NEWS, BINAA is a design and research studio founded by Burak Pekoglu, in 2012. The main focus of the studio is to generate content along with the themes of Building, Innovation, Arts and Architecture, with an exceptional cross disciplinary collaboration model, which is characterized by a strong reciprocal connection between Research, Design and Execution., Building, Innovation, Arts, Architecture, Research, Design, Execution, İstanbul
2020-03-06 10:30:00
Smart Architecture’ın kurucusu Matthew Fineout’un yanı sıra, Nazlı Güngen (GÜNGEN), Burak Pekoğlu (BINAA), M. Sinan Kılıç (KASSO), H.Sefa Ertan (ŞİŞECAM), Prof. Dr. Özlem Eren (MSGSÜ) ve Dr. Ebubekir Koç’un (ALUTEAM) konuşmacı olarak katılacağı ALUTALKS, 5-6 Mart tarihlerinde TÜYAP’ta gerçekleşecek.